Video - Renault-Nissan sells 100,000th Zero-Emission car

24/07/2013 - 12:27 | Renault,   | Anjan Ravi

Renault-Nissan have announced that they have sold their 100,000th Zero-Emission car which happens to be a Nissan Leaf. The Alliance, which sold their first EV back in December 2010, boast of the following statistics:

  1. Electric cars from Renault and Nissan have driven over 841 million kilometers which is enough to circle the earth 20,000 times. 
  2. 53 million liters of oil was saved thanks to these vehicles.
  3. 124 million kg of CO2 have not been emitted.

[Head to YouTube if you're unable to watch the video above.]

The Alliance has sold more zero emission cars than other brands put together. Key to this, is the Nissan Leaf which has sold more than 71,000 units worldwide. The company splits the sales as 30,000 units for the US, 28,000 for Japan and 12,000 for Europe. The Leaf is currently the world's best selling electric vehicle.

Zero-Emission vehicles with the Renault Lozenge have accounted for 30,000 units with sales coming from the Twizy, Zoe, Fluence ZE and the Kangoo ZE.

Renault Nissan 100,000th Zero Emission Car sold

Indian Autos Blog had the good opportunity to drive the Leaf in India and the Fluence ZE in Portugal.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Chairman and CEO Carlos Ghosn said -

The age of the mainstream zero-emission vehicle is here. We expect demand to keep growing as the charging infrastructure develops – and we remain 100% committed to zero-emission technology for the long term.

Renault Nissan Sells 100,000th Zero-Emission Car Press Release

[Head to Scribd if you're unable to view the document above.]

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