Karl Slym shortlists 8 Tweeple for further discussions on the 'Next Tata Car' project

06/06/2013 - 18:48 | Tata Motors | Nithyanandh K

Mr. Karl Slym, an automotive industry veteran from GM, took up the responsibility of steering Tata Motors when the company was in all kinds of problems.

Karl Slym with the Tata Manza Club Class

The Brit has a daunting task of reviving the company from falling sales and idling manufacturing units. The only way he could manage to do that is by bringing a new product that is a game changer.

Mr. Slym recently ran a contest through his Twitter handle @KarlSylm, asking fellow users what they expect the 'Next Tata Car' to be. He promised to invite the people with top ideas for a discussion and today he has the shortlist!

The Managing Director of Tata Motors has identified 8 Twitter users as "top ideaters" who will be given an opportunity to put forth their ideas in front of the man himself. Sometimes, getting the inputs directly from the prospective customers and brand loyalists is way better than getting them from your dedicated team of market analysts.

Coming back to the situation at Tata Motors, the largest Indian automaker is suffering with a bunch of slow selling products. The short term strategy is to come up with product refreshes but it can only get the company so far. Tata Motors needs to take a rebirth and return with products that will get the ball rolling.

We sincerely hope that the "Next Tata Car" comes in as a transformational product. Good luck Karl!

[Source: Karl Sylm's Twitter account]

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