Jawa & Yezdi Partnered with Indian Army for Ladakh Musical Festival

04/05/2022 - 16:30 | ,  ,   | IAB Team

Classic Legends, the company behind Jawa & Yezdi Motorcycles, proudly associated with the first-ever Ladakh International Musical Festival (LIMF), an initiative led by the Indian Army in the region to promote Ladakh’s local talent, youth and their love for music.

Yezdi Jawaleh To Rezang La War Memorial 6

The music festival also aimed to pay tribute to the Heroes who’ve laid down their lives for their motherland. The festival witnessed a line-up of renowned local artists and popular Indian bands and also saw a unique Jawa-Yezdi pop-up display.

But the LIMF only marked the beginning of this association. After the conclusion of the festival, a fleet of 24 Jawa & Yezdi motorcycles helmed by officers from the Indian Army was flagged off from Leh to Rezang La War Memorial, the highest in the world, to offer a tribute to the bravery of 120 soldiers who fought the Chinese Army in 1962. This occasion was also marked by releasing a special anthem song composed by musician Joi Barua.

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Seeing Leh as a popular market among motorcyclists and tourists alike, with this association, Classic Legends kicked off the first season for Yezdi motorcycles in the region.

To bring the Yezdi experience to a larger audience, the company is actively focused on strengthening its association with the tour and rental operators in the region and has also set up a full-fledged service facility in the city to cater to the local buyers as well as members of its 'Kommuniti' riding to the region. With deliveries for Jawa & Yezdi Motorcycles already started to tour operators and operational service facilities, the company is set to cater to riders this riding season.

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