The Mahindra XUV500 has caught the masses fancy like no other SUV. Having won more than 8 awards from critics for various categories, the SUV is so popular that M&M cannot keep up with the demand. The first round of bookings included 8,000 deliveries.
However, in the second round of bookings, there were 25,000 applications and Mahindra’s plant definitely couldn’t satisfy the demand.
As a result, a lottery system was adopted from which 7,200 lucky winners would get the keys to their own XUV500 very soon. To make sure that the draw was fair, Mahindra conducted a city wise draw which included 19 cities across India.
To ensure complete transparency of the process, the draw was validated by the professional services firm, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt. Ltd
Finally, the results of the draw are out and Mahindra has uploaded the list of winners on their website. Alternatively, you can also dial in 1800-209-6006 (Toll Free) to know the status of your bookings. Do let us know whether you have won. A box of sweets will be highly appreciated ;-)