Construction and heavy equipment manufacturer JCB has announced via a press release that it would move production of compaction and equipments to its factories in the UK and India, from its current location in Germany. The plant in Gatersleben, Germany, would be closed.

The production of all of JCB's VM Compactors and two larger VM Tandem Rollers (VMT380 and VMT430) will be shifted to its plant in Pune before the end of June 2014. This is done, says the press release, as the bulk of the demand for compaction equipment comes from emerging markets like India.

Apart from these models, JCB will also move production of all walk-behind models and two smaller VM Tandem Rollers (VMT160 and VMT260) to the JCB Attachments factory in Uttoxeter, England. Production of the 403 Wheeled Loading Shovel will be brought back to the JCB Utility Products factory in Cheadle, England, where it had been manufactured until 2011.

The larger compaction models manufactured in Pune will also be exported, says JCB India's MD and CEO, Vipin Sondhi.
Press Release - JCB plans to relocate production of Compaction Equipment to India
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