This morning, Jaguar India announced the launch of an XF petrol variant. The XF was available with a 2.2-liter diesel engine and a 3.0-liter diesel engine (apart from a 5.0-liter petrol engine in the XFR), and local assembly of both the variants began in India early last year at the Chikhli plant in Maharashtra.
The XFR, which is a performance variant, is brought in via the CBU channel.
This is the same 2.0-liter petrol engine (Ford Ecoboost engine) launched on the XJ last year. It produces 240 PS @ 5,500 rpm and 340 Nm @ 1,750 rpm, matched to an 8-speed transmission. The fuel efficiency is pegged at 10.8 kmpl, certified by the ARAI. The 0-100 kph sprint on this car takes 7.9 seconds, while the top-speed is electronically limited to 250 kph.
Standard features on the XF 2.0L include a rear view camera, TV tuner, full-size spare wheel, moon roof and navigation system. Available in one trim level 'XF Luxury' it is the fourth variant (after the Land Rover Freelander, XF 2.0L diesel and XF 3.0L diesel) from JLR to be produced in India.
The car is priced at 48.3 lakh rupees (ex-showroom Mumbai, pre-octroi) and is available through 19 sales outlets spread across 17 cities.