Mahindra launched their Bolero Maxi Truck Plus in Chennai, soon after the national launch held at Mumbai.
On the sidelines of the launch, Mr. Vivek Nayer, Chief Marketing Officer for Mahindra Automotive spoke to Indian Autos Blog on the LCV (Light Commercial Vehicle) market in India and Mahindra's performance in that segment.
Mahindra's LCV sales have witnessed a very high growth of over 41% last year. The sales of LCV's grew from about 70,000 units to 102,000 units per annum. Mahindra is targeting about 130,000 odd units of LCV's currently.
Mahindra currently holds on to 54% market share and are the market leaders in LCV's. Annual capacity is about 135,000 per annum spread across three of their plants.
The Mahindra LCV range in India includes the recently launched Bolero Maxi Truck Plus forming the 'Small Pickups' segment, the Maxximo Plus forms the 'Mini Trucks' while the Bolero PikUp forms the 'Large Pickup' segment.
Mahindra says that the Mini Trucks such as the Maxximo with load carrying capacity of 0.75 - 0.85 tonnes have to play in a market that sees 205,000 units per annum being sold. The Bolero Maxi Truck Plus is in a 99,000 units/annum strong segment while the bigger Bolero Pikup plays in a segment with a potential of 90,000 units/annum.
When asked if the Bolero Maxi Truck Plus could be exported like the Mahindra Genio, Mr. Nayer said that it was only a matter of time before that happened, however, their immediate focus was on the Indian launch.
Prices for the Bolero Maxi Truck Plus in Chennai ((ex-Showroom) are as follows:
Bolero Maxi Truck Plus BS3 - INR 4.35 lakhs
Bolero Maxi Truck Plus BS4 - INR 4.45 lakhs