According to a report by Team-BHP, Tata Motors has rolled out minor updates for the Nexon. These Tata Nexon updates are related to in-car entertainment (ICE), projector headlamp units, and body control module (BCM).
Also Read - Tata Nexon XZ launched
As per a Team-BHP user, silicon pads are inserted in the headlamp housing to keep the wiring harness from touching the projector unit, possibly to avoid overheating of the wiring. The addition of silicon pads requires the removal of the low beam H7 bulb to place them in the right position.
Harman has released updates for the infotainment setup. Version 4, currently in its Beta phase, will be released soon to Nexon customers across the country. As per the report, certain owners have reported issues with Bluetooth connectivity. Cases of the head unit freezing momentarily right after ignition have also come to light.
Tata Motors is also said to be replacing the plastic battery cover of the key fob available along with the Smart Key offered with the XZ+ trim. Update for the body control module (BCM), which controls various electronic components like power windows, power mirrors, air-conditioning, central locking, and immobilizer among others, is also in the works although, the report also states that this update has been put on hold for the time being.
[source - team-BHP]