Reckless Driving: An Act that Hurts Everyone Involved

24/10/2024 - 13:38 | Featured | IAB Team

Reckless driving refers to any behavior behind the wheel that shows a blatant disregard for the safety of others. This includes speeding excessively, weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating, and even texting while driving. Basically, if you’re driving in a way that puts others at risk, whether intentionally or not, you’re being reckless.

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But maybe you’re thinking, "I’ve done some of those things before and nothing happened."

The truth is, you’ve just been lucky so far. It's not a matter of whether you'll get caught, but when. It’s only a matter of time before reckless driving catches up to you, and when it does, the damage can be irreversible.

Understanding reckless driving is vital to raising awareness of the ills it brings to other motorists. This article does a bit in this regard.

The Potential Victims of Reckless Driving

If you think reckless driving only affects you, you’re wrong.

Let’s say you get into an accident because of reckless driving.

Even if you walk away without a scratch, that’s not the end of it. The other driver might not be so lucky. Maybe they’ll suffer life-changing injuries, or worse, maybe they won’t make it at all. And even if everyone survives, there’s the financial burden that comes with it.

You’re not the only one on the road. Every time you make a reckless decision, you’re gambling with other people’s lives.

And it’s not just other drivers. Pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, they’re all at risk, too. 6,516 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes in the U.S. in 2020. Many of those deaths were caused by reckless drivers who were speeding, running red lights, or not paying attention.

Motorcyclists are also incredibly vulnerable. The NHTSA reports that 14% of all traffic fatalities in 2020 involved motorcyclists, even though motorcycles make up only about 3% of all registered vehicles. When you’re driving recklessly, you’re putting these vulnerable road users at risk, too.

The Financial Consequences of Reckless Driving

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Image by jcomp on Freepik

If you think reckless driving is just dangerous, wait until you hear about the financial consequences.

Accidents caused by reckless driving can cost you more than just a dented fender or a wrecked airbag. You’re now looking at potential legal fees and higher insurance rates, and if someone gets hurt or killed, you could be on the hook for serious compensation.

The average cost of a fatal car accident in the U.S. is about $1.4 million. Even if no one dies, the financial impact can still be devastating. The average cost for an injury-related crash is around $93,000.

And let’s not forget about the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle, which can easily run into the tens of thousands of dollars.

Then there’s the hit to your insurance premiums. After a reckless driving incident, you can expect your insurance rates to blow up. In fact, the average increase in auto insurance rates after a reckless driving conviction is about 73%.

That means if you’re paying $1,000 a year for car insurance, you could see that number jump to nearly $1,750.

How You Can Avoid Being Reckless

When you’re behind the wheel, your only focus should be on driving. That means putting your phone away, turning down the music if it’s too distracting, and keeping your emotions in check.

If you feel the urge to speed or drive aggressively, ask yourself: is it really worth it? Will getting there a few minutes faster matter if you end up causing an accident on the way? Definitely not!

You also need to watch out for signs of fatigue when you’re on the road, especially behind the wheel. Drowsy driving is another form of reckless driving that doesn’t get enough attention. If you’re feeling tired, pull over. It’s not worth the risk.

Lastly, you have to be patient. Traffic happens, and getting frustrated won’t make it move any faster. Tailgating, swerving in and out of lanes, or speeding up to beat a yellow light isn’t going to make your day any easier; in fact, it could make it a whole lot worse.

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