Polestar's Bold Expansion Plan for 2025

17/06/2024 - 17:41 | Car news | IAB Team

Polestar is gearing up for a significant expansion in 2025, with plans to enter seven new markets. As the company's model lineup continues to grow, Polestar is broadening its commercial and retail operations across both existing and new territories.

Polestar Lineup

In Europe, Polestar is transitioning to a non-genuine agency sales model, allowing customers to configure and order their vehicles online, while also benefiting from an expanding network of Polestar Spaces and service locations. Sweden and Norway have already adopted this model, with other key markets expected to follow in the latter half of the year.

The new markets Polestar plans to enter in 2025 include France, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Thailand, and Brazil. France, being the second-largest market for electric cars in the EU after Germany, presents a significant opportunity for the brand. This strategic move, facilitated through local distribution partnerships, underscores Polestar's commitment to accelerating its geographic expansion and making its vehicles more accessible globally.

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