Mahindra & Charge+Zone To Develop Charging Infra For Its Electric SUVs

27/10/2022 - 16:22 | Mahindra,   | IAB Team

Mahindra has partnered up with CHARGE+ZONE, a technology-driven EV Charging Network company, to set up a network of EV charging stations for Mahindra’s range of world-class electric SUVs.

Chargezone And Mahindra Partnership

By the end of this fiscal, Mahindra’s EV users will have access to the Charge+Zone’s network of 2500+ charging points across 25 cities and 10,000kms of highways.

As part of the partnership, CHARGE+ZONE and Mahindra will explore the installation, commissioning, and maintenance of fast DC chargers at various locations including owned and rented sites, offices or any other areas nominated by Mahindra, its affiliates and group companies.

Mahindra Inglo Platfrom For Evs

In addition to this, the partnership will also entail rolling out e-mobility solutions spanning discovery, availability, navigation and transactions, with the aim of empowering all EV users to seamlessly access the charging network.

Designed to charge e-4ws, these charging stations will be open to the public as well as to the users and partners of Mahindra. CHARGE+ZONE’s charging stations are rapid DC charging points with the CCS2 charging protocol that provides 80-100% charge in 20-30 minutes and a full charge in an hour depending on the EV’s battery size. These chargers also come with additional amenities of food courts, restaurants, hotels etc as well as with the facility of Type-2 AC chargers wherever needed.

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