Have we gone International?
Yes, in terms of news coverage Indian Autos Blog has gone International. The main reason for that is lack of local news and we're terribly frustrated. Over the past few days, hardly any events pertaining to the Indian Auto industry has caught our attention, and if we continued covering local news, IAB would look malnourished.
Dear reader, please understand that this does not mean the end of local news on the blog. We have not left out the important events in India, the international news supplements the local coverage.
Looks wise, we've cropped the size of the thumbnails to display more posts on the front page. We have also taken out a few other elements to make the blog load quicker, so that your internet connection does not feel the heat of the additional images. We're also updating more often, as you might have noticed.
We've made some changes to the font to enable easier reading, and by tomorrow, a few other tweaks to the individual pages will be made, all in the interest of faster and easier reading.
Last week, we added a new section called Auto Shows on Indian TV Channels. A few latest videos from Times Drive, The car and bike show, Overdrive show and Autocar show have been tossed in, and we'll keep a close eye on youtube to bring you more in the future and inform you about the updates.
We have also updated the About Us page. Do take a look
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