Hyundai XCIENT Fuel Cell Trucks Hit 10 Million Kilometers in Switzerland

17/06/2024 - 12:36 | Commercial Vehicles,  ,   | IAB Team

Hyundai XCIENT Fuel Cell electric heavy-duty trucks have achieved a significant milestone by surpassing a cumulative driving distance of 10 million kilometers in Switzerland. This accomplishment underscores the reliability and durability of Hyundai's advanced hydrogen fuel cell technology.

Hyundai Xcient Fuel Cell Trucks

Since their introduction in October 2020, the XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks have collectively covered this distance in just over three years. This fleet, consisting of 48 trucks, showcases the potential of mass-produced hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in commercial use.

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Powered by dual 90-kW fuel cell systems and a 350 kW e-motor, these trucks offer a maximum range of over 400 kilometers. Compared to traditional diesel trucks, the XCIENT Fuel Cell models significantly reduce carbon emissions—saving an estimated 6,300 tonnes of CO2 over the 10 million kilometers driven. This reduction is equivalent to the carbon absorption of approximately 700,000 pine trees or a pine forest spanning 508 hectares.

Hyundai Xcient Fuel Cell Truck Highway

The XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks in Switzerland operate solely on green hydrogen, ensuring zero carbon emissions during the hydrogen production process and promoting an eco-friendly hydrogen value chain in Europe.

Also Read: Hyundai Unveils Level 4 Autonomous Fuel Cell Truck at ACT Expo

This milestone not only highlights the environmental benefits but also advances the hydrogen fuel cell system technology. Hyundai plans to leverage data on mileage, hydrogen consumption, and fuel cell stack performance to further enhance its technology and expand its application across various vehicle types.

Beyond supplying trucks, Hyundai is actively engaged in building a comprehensive commercial hydrogen ecosystem, encompassing production, infrastructure, and consumption, contributing to a sustainable future.

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