Ford Brazil recieves 1300 pre-bookings for the EcoSport

21/07/2012 - 16:04 | ,   | Kaustubh Shinde

Ford EcoSport in brazilThe Ford EcoSport is going to be launched in Brazil in the first week of August. However, Ford Brazil has already started accepting pre-bookings orders for the EcoSport on their website. The website has already been graced by 115,000 registered people and here is the sweet part – Ford has already moped up 1300 pre-bookings for the EcoSport.

Ford is expecting 2500 bookings via the website till the month of September. The booking amount is kept minimum at 5000 Brazilian Real ( 1.36 lakhs in INR). Noticiasautomotivas also claims that all the marketing activities that Ford is carrying out for the EcoSport has attracted many consumers to Ford showrooms in Brazil.

Ford Brazil is trying to market  the EcoSport with the nation’s most beloved passion  - Football.

When we met Ford India’s President & Managing Director, Mr. Michael Boneham, he told us that he is betting big on the EcoSport. He said,

“We’re going to deliver outstanding value for money that the customer wants. We are also going to deliver a product that excites a broad range of people. We have to position the product quite aggressively. I think what I have learned after 5 years in India is the consumers here want value and they’ll pay for value..they’ll think about it..if you play the price card you will go to where the others haven’t succeeded. So what you have to play is the value game”

To play the value game, Ford India is planning to localize 80% of EcoSport’s components. It will be launched in both petrol and diesel variants to capture both ends of the market.

The Renault Duster has drawn first blood with 8000 bookings. Sadly, the Duster will keep moping orders for the next 7-8 months as the Ford EcoSport beefs up for the battle. Don’t keep your hopes high for a pre-diwali launch of the Ford EcoSport. We think the Ford EcoSport will grace us early next year.


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