GM India plans to export Smartech Diesel Engines

16/03/2012 - 06:07 | ,  ,  ,   | Kaustubh Shinde

Chevrolet Beat Diesel XSDE SMARTECH engineLast year, the most important launch by GM India was not a car but rather an engine – a diesel engine completely developed in India. They called it the Smartech diesel and it made its debut in the Beat hatchback. The reason why this engine is so important is because it was the smallest diesel engine ever produced by GM and it was exclusively made for the Indian market in their new Bengaluru research center.

However GM has BIG (pun intended) plans for the diesel engine. Firstly, the company is developing a larger capacity engine for its Sail twins and Njoy MPV. Future GM-SAIC models that will enter India will also get the same diesel engine.

As the intensity of demand for diesel cars is rising day by day, it only seems logical to get more diesel variants out for the market.

GM India is also looking at exporting the Smartech Diesel engine to other diesel oriented markets in the world. The company is contemplating on North and South Africa because they share the same characteristics as the Indian market.

The Smartech diesel engine is actually a GM’s version of the Fiat MultiJet Diesel. The Fiat and GM co-developed the MultiJet engine so they both share the patent for the engine. GM decided that it wants to bring its own version for the Indian market. The company assigned the task to its Bengaluru research center and that’s how the Smartech Diesel was born.

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