No More Geneva Motor Show! Event Cancelled Indefinitely

01/06/2024 - 04:08 | Industry News,   | IAB Team

The iconic Geneva Motor Show has been canceled indefinitely, with organizers pulling the plug on next year's edition and all future events. The decision stems from challenging post-pandemic market conditions and uncertainties within the automotive industry that have eroded the allure of major European shows.

Geneva Motor Show

President Alexandre de Senarclens pointed to a "lack of interest from manufacturers" and mounting competition from the Paris and Munich shows as critical factors in the decision. The Comité Permanent du Salon International de l'Automobile, the organizing body, described the cancellation as a “responsible decision” due to the high financial risks of continuing the event.

Despite this setback, the Geneva Qatar Motor Show, which debuted in Doha in 2023, will go on, with its next edition planned for November 2025.

Since its inception in 1905, the Geneva Motor Show has been Europe's premier automotive event, drawing up to 120 exhibitors and 600,000 visitors at its height. The indefinite cancellation marks the end of an era for the beloved show.


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