Participate in the "Road Safety Week" - An Initative by The Automotive India Forums

27/04/2009 - 19:02 | ,  ,  ,  ,   | Vibs

In India, every year around one lakh people die because of road accidents and the reason is quite clear- lack of knowledge on road safety and driving sense.

To create awareness among public regarding road safety, Indian Autos Blog's friend forum - The Automotive India has come up with "The Road Safety Week" which starting from yesterday goes on until the 3rd May 2009.

As being an automotive forum, The Automotive India has started this event where all its members will bring up and discuss topics on road safety and post topics related to traffic rules, road signs, driving etiquette along with interesting quizzes through the week.

The members of TAI will also take an oath to drive safely and respect traffic rules. To make this event special, the forum's looks have been altered to match the occasion.

By bringing about such events, The Automotive India aims to create awareness on road safety so that we have less number of road accidents and motorists can enjoy driving on  Indian roads freely without any fear.

The theme of this initiative centers around the adage "Safety Isn't expensive, Its priceless."

This is a very good initiative by them. Indian Autos Blog would request every one of its visitors to join for this cause and spread the word - "Road Safety" to everyone. Till then drive safe and stay tuned on IAB! :)

Forum Link- The Automotive India

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