Is the allegedly leaked image of the 2012 Camry a fake?

11/07/2011 - 17:13 | ,  ,   | Shrawan Raja

Last week the entire blogosphere along with enthusiast forums were set afire with news of a leaked brochure image showing the new Camry. We were carrying a video of the unveiling (said to be at the dealer meet in Las Vegas) and didn't pay much attention to it. Due to the shortage of good stories to write on, we revisited the leaked image this evening to see if it was legitimate.

2012 Toyota Camry headlamp2012 Toyota Camry front right

It turns out that the leaked image is an artist rendering and not from a brochure. In fact the image on the right has been living on the internet at least since May 7, 2011 in a forum post on

Check the two images carefully. The one on the left is from Akio Toyoda's teaser clip while the right image is making the rounds as the brochure leak. If you notice the car on the left does not have any gap between the grille and the headlamp. Though the entire picture is not shown, one is able to make out the the grille starts from where the headlamp ends and continues to the other side. The leaked picture shows a bit of the bumper separating the headlamp and the grille.

Also notice the edge of the left headlamp on the right image showing some irregularity. The left hand side of the car does not correspond to the right hand side completely. This image was either drawn by someone who had seen the car or it was guess work by a Toyota enthusiast.

What do you think? Are both images alike?

[Fake image sourced from via]

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