9 Tips to Keep Your Car Cooler During the Summer

04/03/2019 - 14:10 | Featured | Yatharth Chauhan

With the summer season at our doorstep, the dreaded days of intense heat are about to make a comeback. Most parts of the country are bound to witness temperatures well north of 40 degree Celsius. At such places, car owners usually fret getting inside a car that has been parked in hot weather for a long time as the greenhouse effect can make a vehicle's cabin unbearably hot. Here are some tips to keep your car cooler during the summer -

9 Tips to Keep Your Car Cooler During the Summer

Use a light-reflecting sunshade

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This is one of the most effective and low-priced options to safeguard your vehicle's interior against the harsh sunlight. Basically, installing a light-reflecting sunshade on the windscreen reflects the UV rays away from the cabin, thereby helping you keep your car's cabin cooler even when it's parked under direct sunlight. Putting a sunshade even on the rear windscreen can turn out to be an effective way to keep the cabin cool.

Don't leave your belongings in the path of direct sunlight

Any delicate item, especially electronics like a cellphone or a laptop, should be stored away from the way of direct sunlight. Even the Compact Disks or USB drives should be kept away from sunlight as excessive temperatures can inflict unrepairable damage to these items. If your laptop or any such object does not fit in the glove compartment, you can safely store the heat-sensitive goods away from direct sunlight by keeping them below the front seats.

Throw blankets over your seats

Many vehicles come equipped with leather upholstery, which gets really hot in summer. Even the vinyl upholstery can heat up excessively in the summer. To keep the seats cool, you can cover them with a blanket. While storing the blankets in the trunk when you have to drive might cause some inconvenience, you'll definitely appreciate the fact that the seats won't be too hot.

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Use a dashboard cover

Car Dashboard Cover Image

The dashboard often heats up a lot when the car is left parked under direct sunlight. You can reduce the heating effect of the sunrays by installing a dash cover. Keeping the plastics covered helps you avoid touching hot surfaces when driving the vehicle. Moreover, it also prevents the sunlight from damaging the finish of the panel.

Try to find a covered parking

Of course, the best way to ensure that your car stays cooler is to park it under a shade. Therefore, keep an eye open for covered parking slots or for trees under which you can park your car safely. It's totally worth it to walk a bit farther in to order have a covered parking spot for your vehicle as you'll be pleased to enter a not-so-hot cabin when you return to your car from your day out.

Use a towel to cover the steering wheel

Towel Image

Just like the dashboard, even the steering wheel of your vehicle can heat up a lot if you leave your car parked under direct sunlight. While a purpose-built cover can enable you to protect the dashboard, the steering wheel can be concealed away from the sunrays by covering it with a towel. This will help you keep the steering wheel cool, thereby letting you hold it firmly after keeping your car parked for a long duration.

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Park in a garage when possible

Park in a garage as much as possible even if you need to drive off to somewhere in a few minutes. Also, a warm garage is a better place to park your vehicle than an open area.

Keep windows slightly cracked

While it's never recommended to leave your windows all the way open, it's a good idea to leave them somewhat opened when parking your vehicles under sunlight. That said, make sure that you can't fit your arm through the gap. A small gap will be enough to aid ventilation.

Use a solar-powered fan

Car Accessories Solar Fan

It's even better if you can use a solar-powered fan to keep your car's cabin cool in summer. Paired with cracked windows, a solar-powered fan can help you keep your car's cabin cool even on the hottest days. These fans are highly affordable, and by creating constant air circulation, they can keep the interior's temperature from soaring.

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