While Tata Motors aspires to bolster its Australian operations, it will not be introducing the Nano or Safari in that market. Speaking to Motoring, Tata's head of international business, R T Wasan, and Fusion Automotive's (Tata's Australian distributor) Managing Director, Darren Bowler, ruled out these cars for the Australian market.
The Nano will not launch in Australia as it was a car developed for India. Originally seen as an upgrade from two-wheelers, Tata has no plans to ship the Nano to the Australian market.
The Safari on the other hand would have problems meeting Australia's safety norms, Bowler said. And since the new Safari (Storme) is only about 18 months old in the market, Australia will have to wait for the next generation model, or a major upgrade of the current model, before reconsidering it.
Tata currently sells the Xenon pickup (classified as 'Ute') in Australia, and according to the company officials it will take at least five years for Tata to introduce a passenger car in that market. One of the key contenders for Australia would be the Tata Nexon compact SUV, which is reported to be based on a new platform. "There is an opportunity for us within that (Nexon)", Bowler said in the interview.
[Source - Motoring]